Space-A Signup

Space-A Signup

  • Active-duty: can sign-up at outbound and return location(s) as soon as your "leave or pass" status begins (i.e. "ON OR AFTER" your leave start date/time (local)) and must remain in their leave or pass status for the duration of the signup.  In other words, YOU CANNOT SIGNUP WHEN YOUR LEAVE FORM IS APPROVED (unless you start leave status the minute your leave form is approved).
  • Retirees: can sign-up at outbound and return location(s) anytime - hey, they're retired!
  • Unaccompanied Dependents: ALL unaccompanied Dependents require a signed and dated Space-A Letter for a valid signup.  Dependents of deployed members using the Cat-III or Cat-IV deployed sponsor program cannot signup any EARLIER THAN 10 days before the member deploys (even if they have a memo issued earlier than the 10 days) and cannot travel before the first day of the sponsors deployment.
  • Per DoDI 4515.13 para 4.7.c, Space-A signup is valid until leave terminates (Active duty), or a maximum of 60 days has passed (retirees, dependents etc...) , whichever occurs first.  Some Navy locations have a 45-day limit so verify with the departure location prior to signup.

The earlier you signup the more seniority you'll have within your travel category so your goal should be to have as much seniority (days) on the Space-A register without having your signup expire when you are competing for a flight. All passengers "should" signup at every location where they might need to compete for seats which means Active Duty "should" signup at potential departure and return locations as soon as their leave status begins.  With the exception of active duty, signups are only valid for 60 days (active duty is the duration of their leave).

With that in mind, many retirees and unaccompanied dependents plan their signup date so that they have approx 50-55 days on a location's Space-A Register on the first day that they plan to attempt travel.  That allows them to have subsequent Roll Call opportunities before their signup expires and they need to re-signup (revert to the bottom of their category).

You need to register (signup) for Space-A travel at EACH location where you plan to compete for seats. You can signup at any/multiple locations at anytime. Each location maintains its own signup register so must signup at each location you might initiate travel from - your sign-ups at the other locations are NOT affected by what you do at a particular location.

At most USAF locations, there are four ways to sign up for Space A travel: A completed paper AMC Form 140, on-line sign up (including e-mail), FAX, or in person; see the Space-A Links Forms section for a fillable version of AMC 140. Active duty personnel can signup as soon as they begin "leave or pass status."

If you would like to signup via email then cut and paste the info from this generic signup template (a Word document based on the AMCFORM 140) into an email and send to the terminal(s) that you wish to travel from. You can obtain the emails for the most popular terminals from the Space-A Terminal Locations Lists.

Several terminals also maintain a web-based signu form (consult the terminal listing). Roy Buckman (now deceased) developed a one-stop shopping sign-up site that allowed you to sign-up for multiple destinations at the same time. Roy's web site is now being used as a front for a commercial business and no longer offers signup. However, Rob G. has developed an identical one-stop sign-up site service at Takeahop also offers an App for iPhone and Android. 

AMC provides a signup form here.

However you choose to signup, ""experienced Space-A travelers will usually call to verify their signup was successfully received and entered in the system. It is a good idea to print out a copies of your email signup receipts and bring them along in case you arrive at a departure point and you are not registered."" The PSAs will normally honor your hand-carried signup showing your original day/time of signup and prevent a disaster!

Once you are added to the Space Available register, you are eligible for any flights that depart that location ONLY for the duration of your signup.  You need to signup at other locations if needed.

  • Note 1: DoD ID Number is required by all passengers (except retirees with an ID card still showing SSN) to travel.  Although it is HQ AMC policy that DoD ID Number or SSN disclosure is not required for remote signup, some AMC detachments do not comply with the policy. Be advised that those few locations may ignore your signup if you do not include a SSN or ask you to provide a SSN to register for travel. If the PAX personnel are properly trained then they know to complete the registration using a pseudo Person ID consisting of the prefix RMT and the first four letters of the passenger's last name, first and middle name initials. Alternatively, passengers can use their passport number as a placeholder for your SSN.

Some folks just use a dummy SSN using the last four digits of your SSN (like XXX-XX-1234) when registering and then provide a valid DoD ID Number when you show-up at the Pax desk when you are ready to travel.

  • Note 2: Per the constantly revised Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG is accessible from a .mil computer only), command sponsored dependents require a SOFA stamp in their no fee passports in order to travel to Germany. Also, Active Duty on leave not stationed in Europe REQUIRE a tourist passport for travel to Germany. Make sure you verify this and any other document requirements in the FCG BEFORE you show up for a flight!
  • Note 3: On most Navy bases you have to sign up in person per mission (flight) and e-mail and fax signup may not be available. Some Navy locations such as Norfolk, Jacksonville, Naples, Sigonella and Rota act as AMC terminals so they provide for the "normal" signup methods.
  • Note 4: As of October 2011, revised AMC policy states that travelers signing up remotely (email, fax etc…) must identify their station of assignment (the local area where their leave officially start/end) or current state/country of residence on the request. This is to ensure passenger service agents have the information necessary to adjust the date/time of sign-up in regards to time zone differences.
  • Note 4:  As of Nov 2013, Date-of-Birth will be required to "complete" Space-A signup before you travel but it's optional for a "remote" (email/fax) signup.
  • Country choices (codes) are not specific bases or locations-they are countries (but include some OCONUS US states and territories as well such as Hawaii, Alaska, Guam....). Select the top five countries/OCONUS destinations you want to visit. Note:  AMC stopped using "ALL" as a valid Country Choice as of August 2010 as it makes it easier for Pax Reps to manage roll calls. However, don't panic, your Country Choices can be changed when you arrive at an AMC departure location and Passengers will not be penalized when changing their destination.

  • Hint: If you are flying to a location in CONUS the Country Choice is "USA" and not a specific base (e.g. "Dover" or "Delaware" are not valid Country Choices).
  • ""NOTE:"" The selection of Country Choices at signup is different than your final destination (selected by you when you are finally assigned a seat and manifested on a flight). See the discussion later on "Final Destination."

Yes, you can signup at any/all locations where you think you will originate your travel including for your return trip. Your signup is unique to that location. Once "signed-up", you'll remain on "the list" for THAT location for 60 days or the duration of your leave orders or authorization, or you get manifested on a flight (does not include enroute) at that location whichever occurs first. When you depart a location you will be removed from THAT location's list only; your sign-ups at the other locations are NOT affected by what you do at another location.

You can only have one current signup at a specific location.  There is nothing definitive in the DoD reg on this but the second submission should (usually) overwrite the first and your signup "clock" will restart to coincide with the latest signup date (i.e. retiree signup will be valid for 60 days from the latest signup). If you have to signup twice at the same location then annotate your change of plans in the remarks of your sign up request or in your email. A prudent and savvy Space-A traveler will follow up and contact a Pax Rep to verify the most recent signup was received and has replaced the current one.

I would recommend signing up all potential travelers (that are eligible to be included on a single signup). When you arrive at the departure point on the actual day of travel then you can always reduce the number of seats you require.

Yes, every passenger requires a physical seat so include your child in your signup request.

Per DoDI 4515.13 para 4.7.c, Space-A signup is valid until leave terminates (Active duty), or a maximum of 60 days has passed (retirees, dependents etc...) , whichever occurs first.  Some Navy locations have a 45-day limit so verify with the departure location prior to signup.

The following Navy locations are AMC-operated terminals and follow the 60-day rule and other items covered by AMC: (Norfolk, Jacksonville, Naples, Sigonella, Souda Bay and Rota).  NAS North Island (single destination only), Ft Worth (requires at least 24 hours prior) and Kaneohe follow 45-day signup.  Oceana does not have remote signup and requires 72-hour advance notice for Space-A Signup.

The details are as follows:

  • Active Duty Uniformed Services Members (ref DoDI 4515.13, Section 4 for definition): Until your last day of chargeable leave. Note: Also applies to Guard/Reserve on AD for 30 days or more.  Active Duty military members whose leave orders have expired shall be allowed to remain on the Space-A register if they are "attempting" to have leave extended. These personnel will not be moved until their leave is extended, but if there are extenuating circumstances, the passenger service officer/detachment commander/NCOIC may elect to authorize movement. Leave extensions shall be accepted based on verbal confirmation of the passenger.
  • Unaccompanied Dependents: 60 days
  • Retired Military Personnel: 60 days.
  • Authorized Reserve Component Members (ref DoDI 4515.13, Section 4 for definition): 60 days from the day you sign up. Note: Applies to Guard/Reserve on AD for 30 days or less.

Your signup expires at each location 60 days (or 45 days or leave expiration as applicable) after you signed up at that particular location and you would need to submit another signup at that location and start back at "Day 0". Once you are "manifested" on a flight (as a result of a Roll Call at that location) and depart from a location you will be removed from the Space-A register at that location (and that location only). If your signup expires or you are manifested on a flight (and depart) you will need to submit a new signup (registration) to get manifested from that location on future flights.

The folks at the Space-A terminals receive many remote requests for Space-A travel from folks that never show up to use that signup. As a result, to cut down on non-value-added work, some locations don't enter your info into their database or acknowledge your signup with a return email. So, what should you do? You could call the terminal staff and ask them to verify receipt of your signup. That, too, may be non-value added especially if you've shot-gunned your signup out to every Space-A terminal on earth. ""Experienced Space-A travelers will print out a copy or their signup from their email program's "SENT" folder. This printed copy will indicate the date, time and address of the location(s) for your signup."" If you were smart enough to send one email to multiple terminals at once using the template format above, then you should only have to carry one piece of paper with you per direction of travel (e.g. CONUS to EUROPE and then return from EUROPE to CONUS). ""Historically, most (if not all), locations will honor your email printout."" If you used the Take-a-Hop to signup and haven't received an acknowledgment then follow the suggestions outline in the Take-a-Hop FAQ (e.g. check your email junk/spam folder for the confirmation copy).