Pets now Allowed on Patriot Express Flights to/from Korea
Behind the Space-A Scenes at Ramstein Passenger Terminal
Flight Destination Database Instructional Video
Here's a good video with instructions on how to navigate and read the Flight Destination Database.
Oct 2009: AFN EuroPass Space-A Video
Aug 2011: Space-A Travel
Short video from the folks at Incirlik Air BAse, Turkey with some tips from passengers. The references/tips on EML do not apply in many other locations (such as Germany, England etc....).
May 2011: Space-A Travel Basics
Good video from the great folks at Ramstein Air BAse, Germany.
Dec 2012: Space-A Travel Basics
A short video from the folks at Incirlik Air BAse, Turkey on Space-A Basics.
2007 Osan AB Seminar Video
Video on a Space-A Seminar that was provided by Osan AB.