Passenger Service Desk:
United States
Massachusetts US
Flight Recording:
Space-A Signup:
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Location Info:
42° 11' 39.7356" N, 72° 33' 7.4484" W
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Location Info:
42° 11' 27.2364" N, 72° 33' 7.5096" W
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Passenger Service phone line is not manned 24/7. They are only staffed M-F 0700-1530 EST [As of: May 2022]
Schedules on Passenger Terminal Page
Location Info:
42° 11' 49.5492" N, 72° 32' 28.6332" W
Billet Phone Number:
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Topic Info:
- Taxi: A taxi to the RR station at Springfield runs approx $30 (Sep 10).
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Other Info
Topic Info:
- Westover ARB Info - Local info on lodging, transportation etc.... courtesy of AirNav
- Westover Metropolitan Airport - Web page for Westover Metropolitan Airport (shared with the Westover ARB side)
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Terminal Web Page:
IATA (With URL):