- Billeting: +1-904-542-3138
- Heritage Cottages: +1-904-542-3138 /39
- Off-Base Lodging:
- Southwest of Jacksonville, Florida near US17 and I-295 intersection. Main Gate (Yorktown Gate)
- Online Flight Schedules: Longterm schedule no longer available (as of May 2013). See Facebook page for 72-hour schedule.
- AMCGRAM (Not available at this time)
- Terminal Hours: See AMCGRAM
- Terminal Dining: Large vending area outside and to the right of the AMC door.
- Lockers: None
- Internet/WiFi: Yes, plus two computers (as of Mar 12)
- USO: No
- Base Dining Facility: Vending area adjacent to terminal available 24 hours
- As of April 2015: Long-Term Parking (2 weeks) is available in front of the Pax Terminal. The locals recommend you park as far away in the parking lot as possible to allow those that frequent the terminal to park closer. If you exceed 2 weeks then your car gets towed to the Auto Skills Center and it costs $65 plus $3 a day to get it out.
If you need more then 2 weeks the Auto Skills Center (904-542-3681) has long term parking for $50 month- you need proof of Insurance and Registration. They can't take you back to comprar levitra the terminal so you have to provide your transportation back. Contact the Pax Reps for any changes and details upon arrival.
Navy Lodge Website: 904-772-6000
Pickup Form from Pax Terminal
- As of Oct 17: According to the OPS LPO at VR-58, due to OPSEC concerns, they are unable to give flight information over the phone (904-542-5054)to anyone outside of their command or those without a need-to-know. For Space-A info, visit them in-person.
- Typically a flight every-Saturday from/to Norfolk and the old Patriot Express Route that went to/from BWI now goes to/from Norfolk (as of Oct 13)
- Other misc flights to CONUS and some OCONUS destinations.
- To/from GTMO for authorised individuals sponsored by members stationed in GTMO. Send approval paperwork to flightrequest@usnbgtmo.navy.mil
- On-Base Shuttle: Transportation to/from the main gate/lodging is possible via:
- Terminal Transporation Policy (2014)
- Duty driver - DV Space-A PAX Only (per 2014 Policy above) (+1-904-542-2338, this connects to the OOD who can get the duty driver).
- A kind person with a car.
- Walking (not recommended unless you're a backpacker).
- Rental Car (In Terminal): +1-904-772-7007 (7:30 AM-6 PM M-F; 7:30 AM-12 N Sat; closed Sunday)
- Rental Car (Off Base): Hertz at 1165 Cassett Ave, +1-904-388-0199. Open weekdays and Saturday 0900-1200. As of Oct 2009 they'll refund your taxi fare to their office.
- Taxi/Shuttle: As of May 2011, Coastal Cab (+1-904-779-9999) is authorized to come on to NAS Jacksonville. Express Shuttle to/from Jacksonville International Airport +1-904-353-8880 (from the main gate).
- Local Bus: Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
- Local Rail:
- How do I travel between NAS Jacksonville and the local Greyhound Station or Airport? (Current as of Aug 11)
- JTA's Community Shuttle (bus) has a couple of stops not far from the terminal. Some locals did advise against riding downtown to change buses late at night (shuttle only goes part way up the west side of the city)for safety reasons. An alternative bus stop is about 1.5 miles north of the commercial service gate on Roosevelt Blvd. (US 17). The P4 bus will get you to this location from the downtown depot.
- To get to the Airport: get off at the downtown stop and pick up JTA's CT3 to the Jacksonville airport or ride to the Rosa Parks Transit Station and transfer there. Costs a buck ($1 and Seniors Free as of Nov 10).
- To get to the Amtrak Station: Continue above towards the airport, but at the Rosa Parks Transit Station, take JTA's CT4 (you guessed it - $1 and Seniors Free as of Nov 10).
Also, check with the USO at either the Airport or NAS JAX locations as they may have a preferred rate on taxis (Checkered Cab) for approx $40 each way. (as of March 2015)