This is one of the most often asked questions. Since the events of 9/11 less and less flight information is being provided in advance online but here are some schedule sources:
- One way to get schedule information is to phone/visit the terminal and ask the PSAs about their nominal schedules. Typically they will only give you info on flights departing within the next 72 hours. Note: Please keep in mind when phoning for information that many Passenger Terminals are not 24-hour operations so it is best to phone during the core duty hours of 0900-1500. Also, remember to take into account the time zone differences when calling locations such as Europe and the Pacific. In addition, many Reserve and Guard locations may not be manned during the week so it may be difficult to get an actual human on the phone.
- Some (NAS North Island, Kaneohe Bay MCB, Fort Worth and NAS Whidbey Island) schedules are already published on the web (links to the schedules available from the Schedule Links).
- ManyTerminals post their 72-hour departure schedules on their Terminal Page- see here for links.
- AMC allows a monthly schedule of commercial charter missions (e.g. Patriot Express (PE) flights) to be posted no earlier than 7 days prior to the following month. The monthly PE schedule will not reveal roll call, or departure times. NOTE: The dates on the monthly schedule are expected "Roll Call" dates and the actual departure could occur the following day (common at BWI) in the case of late night Roll Call times. Flight routes and times will be briefed at scheduled roll calls as depicted on the 72 Hr Forecast. As a reminder, all flights are subject to change without notice. Please continue to follow each location's daily posted 72-hour forecast for updates and planning purposes. You can also pickup or view Patriot Express monthly schedules in person (e.g. at between BWI-Europe, Ramstein-BWI, SeaTac-Japan/Korea, Norfolk, Travis-Hickam ...).
- If you have access to a .mil computer you may be able to look-up OSA schedules.
- Dirk Pepperd's Space-A Board contains a section where volunteers post flight schedules (mostly short notice up to 48 hours out). If you study these regular postings you can get a feel for patterns and frequency of departures from a particular location.
- A word about non Patriot Express "Monthly" schedules and the schedules found in commercial Space-A books. Some commercial publications but don't put too much faith in these schedules and use them as a guide only as they are most likely out-of-date before the book hits the bookstores. In other words, don't look at a flight on a particular day of the month and just show-up for that flight expecting it to be exactly on the day on the monthly schedule. If leaving from the major terminals (Dover, Travis) I would just show-up when you're ready to try for a flight as they normally have daily flights (many are unscheduled). Schedules of flights from Air Reserve and Air National Guard bases may be on a more fixed schedule based on crew availability (i.e. weekends etc…). The only schedules that could be deemed "regular" are the Pat-EX flight schedules.