What does "manifested through" mean?

"Manifested through" an en route location means that you would not have to compete for seats with other passengers at an en route location. For example, consider a mission traveling from Jackson, MS though Andrews AFB (where it will RON) and then continue on to Ramstein AB the following day. If you are only manifested as far as Andrews AFB then you would have to re-compete for seats to get manifested on that same mission/plane for travel onward to Ramstein AB. However, if the folks at Jackson "manifest you "through" Andrews to Ramstein AB then your seat on that mission is reserved (subject to bumping of course) through to Ramstein and you would NOT have to re-compete with passengers desiring to join that mission at Andrews. You cannot be "manifested through" round-trip back to your originating location.  Finally, don't make the mistake of thinking that declaring your "Final Destination" means that you'll be "manifested through" to your "Final Destination."
