About this FAQ

Spacea.net's Pages and FAQ are unofficial web pages developed as a volunteer service to the members of the uniformed services/military community. The information provided has been compiled since 2001 from online forums, individual contributions, websites and personal knowledge and is based on the contributors' knowledge and experience.  Every effort is made to keep this info up to date. It is your responsibility to verify everything with current regulations and policy before you travel.

Due to the enormous amounts of info collected since 2006 the FAQ is now contained in multiple parts in the following sections:

  • Overview, Regulations, Terminology/Acronyms and Resources
  • Eligibility, Registration (Signup) Procedures and Dependent Travel
  • Flight Schedules, Flight Preparation and Miscellaneous

Please email additions/corrections/suggestions etc...to spacea@spacea.net as your info will help a fellow traveler.

Enjoy your journey!
